I remembered following them to several bridal houses to check on bridal gowns and photography. Cher asked me to try a gown for her to see. I didn't try. I was too shy then cos it wasn't me who's getting married. Thinking back...a bit regret *grin* Anyway, if God's willing, I will have my chance! * a big smile* Oh yes, I skipped my college classes when they went for their photo shoot. Ohh...it was fun! I get to see the endless hours of my Cher putting on different costumes, change of make-up and hairstyle, the 'hey keep smiling' shout-out by photographer. It seemed so tiring.....for them of course! Me? I was enjoying myself to the max! When I was a lil' girl, I really love playing dress up. And as I grew older...the passion grew with me! I love the idea of shopping and having new stuff to wear. Who doesn't, right?! It'd be fun if Malaysia has 4 seasons...then I will get to really DRESS UP! Know what I mean? Marvelous! Wait...maybe not! As the saying goes....."the grass is always greener on the other side" so I may be complaining then having to wear so many layers of clothes. Haha....
Okie...back to Edlina....I thank God for bringing them together! Perfect match! They are truly precious, my inspiration! =)
Happy Anniversary Edlina!!! Love you lots!
Happy Anniversary Edlina!!! Love you lots!
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