Life is like a box of chocolate - Forest Gump I know some beg to differ. A friend says, "Life is like a box of assorted chocolates" While some others say "Life is like a stage of play, and we are all actors and actresses"
As for me, I would say...Life is like "cherry-looking chili". You'll never know how hot and spicy the chili is until you actually tried it. The same goes for life. We'll never know how hot and exciting life is until we truly live it out! And I mean LIVE IT OUT LOUD! Live life to the fullest, live it right, live it well, make the most of every opportunity, make our lives count...ultimately Making God Famous!
The guys were tricked by Pr. Seria to try out the the home grown 'cherry' on the very last day of our mission trip at Sarawak. I was's VERY SPICY!! *I still couldn't believe they actually fall for it...haha*
Something I came across while preparing for the recent mission trip. A report/ testimony that I wrote and submitted to the church I was attending back then. This is an entry of my very first mission trip back in 2001. It brings back good memory, and most importantly the impact it had upon me!
I joined the mission trip for a basic purpose, that I will grow and move to higher heights in my walk with the Lord. I do not want to remain stagnant in my spiritual life. Praise God! He answered my prayer by shaking me off my comfort zone. He brought me to the place where I had to be totally dependent upon Him. God had been very real even when I started preparing for the trip.
I have always viewed mission trip as a trip whereby the team minister to the unreached through skits and songs. The task of performing through skits and songs is not hard, as I had experienced such things in youth groups. However, the preparation period became stressful when we were given assignments to prepare specific topic for teaching sessions at the longhouses and youth seminar. The assignment is something that I was not familiar with and at the same time, incapable to do so. The task became heavier when we had to prepare and preach in Bahasa Malaysia. During the preparation, I had sleepless nights figuring what to teach and how to teach the people. At one point of time, I wanted to give up. I questioned myself, “Why did I sign up for this trip in the first place and go through the stress when I could enjoy the comfort of each day that passes by?” I felt so far apart from God. I did not know where God was leading me and whether I had made the right choice to go for the trip. But it was at that time that I realised that I needed God more than I thought I needed Him. I realised that is in my weakness that His strength is made perfect. A lot of times, God gave us the “impossible” task so that we will learn to trust in Him and not lean on our own understanding. He wants us to be totally dependent upon Him.
During the trip, my fearful nature was challenged to do things that I would not normally do.God literally shook me off my comfort zone again. I experienced a total different culture and simplicity of life – bathing in the river, Iban food, limited supply of water and electricity and being sensitive to God in order to pray for people. I knew very well that it was not me that overcame the fear. God gave me the strength and the boldness to do so. In the trip, I also learned that I have put God in a box without realising it. I expected Him to move according to my will. He is much bigger and able to accomplish more than I could imagine or ask for. God is able to work in me and through me if I allow Him to do so. I have learnt to be dependent upon Him in every circumstance from living in the longhouses to ministering to His people. I believe God is not just interested in my ministry and how I could pray for His people. He is very much interested in my personal being.
A question was posed to me when the trip was about to come to an end, “Did you survive the trip?” Well, I could safely declare that I did not just survive the trip. I lived through and enjoyed every minute of the trip by the empowerment and the grace of God. It is indeed not by my might nor by my power but by the Spirit of God. God has been very faithful to His promise that He will always be with me, giving me strength and helping me to go through my everyday circumstances. I will continue to hold dearly to my baptismal text in Isaiah 41:10 – So do not fear for I am with you. Do not be dismay for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. I really want to thank God and the team for such a fruitful and enriching mission trip.
Went to watched Terminator: Salvation yesterday. And couple of hours before I hit the cineplex, someone commented that it is rather surprising to know that I'm going for Terminator and that it is not my type of show. a certain extend, yes, I agree. I prefer movies that will move my heart, be it cry or laugh! And so...Terminator...oh well, it was all about machines, machines and machines everywhere. It wasn't exactly that nice watching machines but I must confess I really like the 'motorbikes' (can't remember exactly what it is called in the show). Ohh....and I think Christian Bale is better off as John Connor than Batman ;)
There were many lessons and principles that one can draw from the show, besides the fact that John Connor saved the world from the machines. But there was a statement made by John Connor towards the end of the show which tug at the string of my heart...."the strength of human is in the heart." Hmm.....I think the statement is rather true. If one's heart is strong, then he/she can do lots of stuff that will impact society in a positive way. But if one's heart is weak, then he/she will not be motivated to do anything. And more often than not, our hearts are not strong enough to carry us through the not-so-nice circumstances in life. The bad decisions that we made because we followed our hearts, emotional hang-ups that caused us to feel like failures.... Recently, a friend shared a little about the emotional struggle that he is going through. Something that we as human can never run away from because we are made to relate with one another. And a lot of times, our emotions are the things that will zap up all our energy. Definitely not a very nice thing to go through.
I wonder...
How strong is my heart today?
What is my heart telling me to do?
Is my heart telling me to do the right thing, the God-thing?
Is my heart beating together with God's?
Psalm 73:26 "my flesh and my HEART may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forevermore"
I don't think we can ever rely on our own strength to go through the journey of life athough some might differ in their opinion. The strength of human is in the heart (which will fail), but the strength of human's heart is in the Lord!
It has been 3 weeks...and the messages on Sundays, the devotional materials, even song that a friend sent to me are talking about TRUST! God must be saying something, right?
It is a though I'm undergoing a course called "Trust 101" and the lecturer is none other than God, Himself. I don't think I will ever complete this course, though I would love to pass with a distinction. =)
Have I not trusted enough that I need to retake this course? Or could it be that He trust me enough to bring me to Level 2, Trust 102? I wonder....
I led two songs today that says "Lord have Your way...". Very easy to sing, but to mean it? I've been waiting for a promise to unfold. It has been a long ten years (as far as I can remember!) I've prayed. I've claimed the promise. I've surrendered. I've laid it at the altar. I've stopped praying. God knows how many cycles of prayer and surrendering I've been through.
The unfulfilled promise resurfaced again. I can't help but to wonder if God has forgotten about me and the promise. Everytime I prayed (for the past ten years)...the answer has been TO WAIT!
This week, my devotion has been on Sarah (yes, Abraham's wife, the one who messed up with God's plan but got her promised fulfilled though she didn't believe it at first) The challenge, the focal point for this week is about "waiting". Yes, waiting, it is! Sarah waited for a long time to see her promise of giving birth to a son being fulfilled.
Here's what the Deovotional Book "Women of the Bible by Ann Spangler" says.... Reflection: Genesis 17:1-22 Praise God: Because He keeps His promises! Offer Thanks: That God has a gracious plan for me that will unfold in HIS TIME, according to HIS WAY Confess: My anxiety and self-reliance Ask God: To help me WAIT with a listening ear and a ready heart to do His will.
As I questioned God, I was also humbled by the fact that everything happens according to His perfect timing and ways. He is Lord, I am not! My prayer is that I will not dwell in the "why isn't it happening"...but that I will be able to see things through His eyes. And in the midst of waiting, I will continue to delight in Him, and ready to do His will!
Oh yes! My blog has been lying dormant for who knows since when. Everytime something interesting happened in my life, I wanted to write. Yes, I really wanted to write BUT.... *grin* And when I read other people's blogs, I was totally inspired and I wanted to write BUT... *grin*.... BUT everytime when I wanted to put it into brain just refuses to cooperate. Just as my blog has been lying dormant, I was reminded of some of the dreams/ passions that have been lying dormant in me. God plays a big part in fulfilling those dreams, but there are also those that I've not seriously pursue, or may have forgotten about them... *grins*
The church ( had an awesome Watchnite Service on the 31st Dec 2008. Everyone was encouraged to give a creative offering, ranging from cooking some delicacies for the supper cum fellowship time, to dancing, to presenting a multimedia, to singing, to anything you can think of. Almost everyone in the church took part. Best watchnite ever!
We, as a church and as individuals, kicked off Year 2009 as the YEAR OF POSSIBILITIES. Pr. Edward challenged us to be bold! Bold to claim our promises!! Bold to speak to the mountain, and let it be removed!! My question is...."how bold can I or do I want to be?" A lot of times, I think it's a matter of how much I want to step out of my comfort zone and make things happen, or rather to allow God to make things happen in my life.
I want to believe, step out and claim all the possibilities for my dreams!
I am continually experiencing and encountering the unmerited favor and undivided love of my precious Savior, Jesus Christ.
Therefore I purpose in my heart to be extravagant in my worship unto God, to allow Him to empower me to influence others and make Him famous!