
Jul 16, 2008

Faith Journey

Last March, I had an awesome privilege to be part of 16,000 women in the Hillsong Color Conference. I've never thought I could be there again in Sydney for such a huge conference. My last time there was for Hillsong Conference, well many many years ago. Both trips were a gift from the Heavenly Father! But this recent trip was truly a step of faith. I didn't have any cent to begin with. Sis helped booked the flight faith! Prayer wasn't as intense until after CNY. That's when we had to pay the tour agency. Frankly, I was very worried about where the money would come from. I've even contemplated forgoing the conference fee, reimburse Edlina who had generously paid for me and another friend. This journey of faith seemed so out of mind. I remembered my conversation with dad and how he seemed a lil upset with our actions. He actually said this "You guys are crazy already to do such a thing!" and then, he shook his head. I couldn't explain my actions then. I wanted so much to tell him that actually "I'm very fearful, and I really do not know where the money would come from but I feel that God is teaching me to trust in Him. I think God can provide qua!" Sigh.... Part of me was like, "It's ok Penny, God is in control!", and the other part was like, "But God...when? When will you show forth your miracle?" All I can cling on to was His promise in Matthew 7:7 and also a little plaque thing that was on my parents door that says "Trust in the Lord". The wordings had never been so OBVIOUS in the house till that very point!

To cut the long story short, prayers upon prayers, and those sleepless nights and God who kept reassuring me of His provision....He certainly STEPPED IN and provided miraculously. I went to draw out money from ATM machine and found extra cash in my account....who else but God who moved the hearts of His people to give generously! This is truly God's grace in action. I experienced His unmerited favor.

God's fingerprints were definitely on my whole Australian trip. Food, accommodation and transportation were all almost taken care of by friends! It's truly amazing how God put everything in place for sis and I. To God be the glory!


Gillian said...

Wow.... That is truly Daddy God's miracle for you! And a great great lesson in a faith walk!