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YAY! Finally got my new toy! ;) Been waiting for quite a while but this really great friend of mine couldn't find time to help me set up the necessary programs. God is good! So is this friend...thanks Peter! Truly appreciate your time and effort. =)So new toy! I'm exploring it right now, and trying to blog! So here it is...dedicating this blog to my new toy and God who made it possible!

Last March, I had an awesome privilege to be part of 16,000 women in the Hillsong Color Conference. I've never thought I could be there again in Sydney for such a huge conference. My last time there was for Hillsong Conference, well many many years ago. Both trips were a gift from the Heavenly Father! But this recent trip was truly a step of faith. I didn't have any cent to begin with. Sis helped booked the flight faith! Prayer wasn't as intense until after CNY. That's when we had to pay the tour agency. Frankly, I was very worried about where the money would come from. I've even contemplated forgoing the conference fee, reimburse Edlina who had generously paid for me and another friend. This journey of faith seemed so out of mind. I remembered my conversation with dad and how he seemed a lil upset with our actions. He actually said this "You guys are crazy already to do such a thing!" and then, he shook his head. I couldn't explain my actions then. I wanted so much to tell him that actually "I'm very fearful, and I really do not know where the money would come from but I feel that God is teaching me to trust in Him. I think God can provide qua!" Sigh.... Part of me was like, "It's ok Penny, God is in control!", and the other part was like, "But God...when? When will you show forth your miracle?" All I can cling on to was His promise in Matthew 7:7 and also a little plaque thing that was on my parents door that says "Trust in the Lord". The wordings had never been so OBVIOUS in the house till that very point!To cut the long story short, prayers upon prayers, and those sleepless nights and God who kept reassuring me of His provision....He certainly STEPPED IN and provided miraculously. I went to draw out money from ATM machine and found extra cash in my account....who else but God who moved the hearts of His people to give generously! This is truly God's grace in action. I experienced His unmerited favor.God's fingerprints were definitely on my whole Australian trip. Food, accommodation and transportation were all almost taken care of by friends! It's truly amazing how God put everything in place for sis and I. To God be the glory!
t's been months since my last post. I've been wanting to post on the amazing journeys that I've had the past months but then....yes, then I keep procrastinating and hence, there was no updates. =) My humble apology to those who have been dropping by and found nothing.
But I do owe myself at least 3 interesting posts....journey of faith to Australia, sweet victory in Penang Floorball League and last but not least the addition to the family, Prince Ashton! I will definitely share...just wait....
But this very post is something I felt in my spirit that I must share! MUST! It has been a pretty nerve wrecking week. I felt so overpowered by enormous tasks ahead of me and the concerns surrounding me....personal life, church and work! It was as though everything has been dropped into the blender and it is just a matter of time before everything explodes! There are just many things that is beyond my control. And basically I have 2 choices, to hold on to the pressures and fear of the unknown or just learning to let go and let God!
Charles R. Swindoll in his devotional book, "Growing Strong in the Seasons of Life" mentioned that it requires maturity to just let go, turn lose and release the squeeze. And for that very moment, I felt so immature as I just wanted so much to hold on to all that I can. But what truly sparked me is this...
"We are often hindered from giving up our treasures out of fear for their safety. But wait. Everything is SAFE which is COMMITTED to our GOD. In fact nothing is really safe which is not so committed. No child. No job. No romance. No friend. No future. No dream."
And he went on to give the example of Abraham being asked to offer his son, Isaac (read Genesis 22: 1-18) and how God, the Jehovah Jireh provided the ram when Abraham obeyed God.
But then as I post this and as I learn to just surrender, I know that everything is safe in His hands. And I am constantly walking in His fields of grace, dwelling in His wonderful favor.
* God showed His favor this week as He held back depressing news concerning work and also a client's satisfaction over the arrangement done! What else can I say but that God is in control and that His favor was upon me and the situations I'm in!! ;) All glory to God!!
The very much awaited and anticipated event has finally arrived...27 January 2008! With just a very small core group and church of 7 adults and 3 kids, it seem quite an impossible task to host 100++ invited guests for such an auspicious occasion. From physical arrangement, refreshments, ushering, worship leading, media, entertaining guests etc's truly impossible in the eyes of men BUT with God, everything is certainly possible!!
It was truly an awesome atmosphere with presence of friends and family from various churches, organizations, and not to mention, there were some from other nations too! And God just rained down His glorious presence. The speaker, Bro. Ooi Chin Aik brought words of encouragement and challenge - the "5 S's" that the church should be......Spontaneous, Strategic, Selective, Shut-in with God and Sending.
No doubt it was a tiring day physically but no complains.....truly no complains. God was re-teaching me to serve this season. Ephesians serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men. =) Oh yea, I'm also thankful to those who came and serve alongside us during the day...the LiveWire Team, friends from Wesley Methodist Church, Paul, Henry, Christina...THANK YOU!
Here are some pics.... 

Year 2008...a new year, a new beginning! I'm excited for the fact that I'm in partnership with God for His work at Gateway City Church (log on to for more info). We started meeting last September on site for prayer. The church is officially starting in January 2008. We'll be having our Church Dedication Service on 27 January 2008. Something to look forward to....
On our very first official Sunday Service, Pr. Edward shared on Genesis 1...In the beginning... and how everything started with GOD! God spoke...and there was light! God spoke...and the earth was formed! God creatures and plants filled the earth! God spoke...and here we are living on this earth! Everything comes from God and God alone. And how I was reminded...perhaps more than just a my eyes were opened to see that God is the beginning! It is Him who makes all things possible. It is about the God factor! And it is God who will make things happen in Gateway City Church! =)
As I bid farewell to 2007, here's the good, the bad and the ugly of 2007!
THE GOOD! (in random order)
1. God's grace and favor upon my life each and every day!
2. Having my inner circle people to inspire and challenge me to get back on track spiritually! =)
3. Mal Fletcher and his book 'Making God Famous' that cause me to be conscious about living my life right so that people would know God
4. The movie 'Evan Almighty' and the lessons learned! (to be nicer to people, be it friends, foe or strangers!)
5. Celebrating birthdays with family... I LOVE MY FAMILY!!!
6. Seeing God's faithfulness upon my sister and her family in their Australia trip
7. Holiday with family in Bukit Tinggi and also Singapore
8. Learning to 'homeschool' my nieces during the holiday at Singapore....personally felt that it was FUN and ENRICHING to myself
9. Participating in Gateway City Youth Convention (GCYC) in Singapore organised and sponsored by Faith Community Baptist Church
10. Experiencing God's provision in receiving a love-gift (3x the amount I actually prayed for!) from I don't know who. prior to my GCYC trip
11. Sports Leadership Camp at Cameron Highlands...learned so much!
12. Sharing the sweet victory when Malaysia beat Australia in Asia Pacific Floorball Championship held in was totally AWESOME!
13. God opening door for us to be involved in floorball in a greater scale
14. Taking part in the IFF Floorball Coaching Seminar...truly an eye opener
15. Floorball trip to Sabah and the development that is taking place
16. Contact Sports being nominated and shortlisted for AYA Dream Malaysia awards
17. Contact Floorball Club emerged 2nd runner-up in Dalat League
18. Starting of Gateway City Church at E-Gate
19. Got my desired jacket from parents for Christmas gift
20. Celebrating Christmas with the family...totally different and meaningful....had dinner, singing carols, sharing of word by our very own family member, Pr. Edward and exchanging of gifts...
21. Sister is pregnant again....and I'm all so excited!!!!! Can't wait for sayang to come out....
22. And many many more that I could have possibly forgotten along the way....
1. I was down and a bit out of touch spiritually for quite some time
2. I was less compassionate and gracious towards people for quite some time too
3. Financially not being able to support my parents yet
4. Putting on weight! Oops...and I'll lose some soon.... =)
5. My humble car (actually the water pump wire and compressor) was bitten and destroyed TWICE by the unlovable rats....the bad was referring to the rats and not my car!
6. Grandma fell sick and can't walk
7. Got stung by a bee
Can't think of any! God has and will make all things beautiful in His perfect timing =) As I looked back at 2007, I can only trace everything and I mean EVERYTHING to God's goodness. Indeed, His love never fails.....
Another hour to go...thank you Lord for 2007....and welcome 2008! Blessed new year to all with lots of love! =)